报告人:Prof. Curtis Hannah
报告题目:The role of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in controlling starch synthesis in the maize plant.
报告人简介: L. Curtis Hannah is a Professor of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology teaching Advanced Genetics at the University of Florida. His area s of research include plant molecular biology, plant genetics, starch biosynthesis and transposable elements. Prof. Hannah’s work focuses on engineering heat labile enzymes that play important roles in maize yield. Some variants give rise to as much as a 68% increase in maize yield in hot environments. He received the University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF) Professorship and was named a distinguished alumnus at Purdue University because of his distinguished research. A team of investigators focusing on corn heat-stress adaptation and led by Professor Hannah recently received the NIFA Partnership Award from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
报告人:Prof. Pat Schnable
报告题目:The potential of predictive plant phenotyping to address (some of) the challenges facing crop production
报告人简介: Pat Schnable is a distinguished professor at Iowa State University where he holds an endowed chair and directs the Plant Science s Institute that is fostering collaborations among plant scientists, engineers and computational scientists. He is also a ChangJiang Scholar Professor at China Agriculture University. Schnable received his BS in Agronomy from Cornell University and his PhD in Plant Breeding from ISU; he conducted post-doctoral research at the Max Planck Institute in Köln, Germany. Schnable’s wide-ranging investigations of the maize genome have resulted in >150 peer-reviewed publications and an h-index of 65. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, serves as a consulting editor for PLoS Genetics (Impact Factor 8.7), is a past chair of the American Society of Plant Biology’s Science Policy Committee and a past chair and current member of the Maize Genetics Executive Committee. He is the co-lead of the Genomes to Fields Initiative. Schnable has also co-founded four start-up companies.
报告人:张启发 中国科学院院士
报告人简介: 张启发,作物遗传育种和植物分子生物学家,华中农业大学生命科学技术学院教授,中国科学院院士。张启发院士专注于水稻基因组,重要基因的分离和克隆、杂种优势的遗传和分子基础等研究工作,是我国植物基因组领域的主要先驱者和带头人之一。同时张启发院士致力于应用生物技术进行作物改良,从保障我国粮食安全,促进农业可持续发展的战略高度,提出并实施了“绿色超级稻”的战略构想,为推动“绿色超级稻”的培育和产业化进程做出了突出的贡献。
报告人:刘耀光 中国科学院院士
报告人简介: 刘耀光,植物遗传学家,中国科学院院士,华南农业大学研究员。1997年获“国家杰出青年基金”,2002年受聘教育部“长江学者”特聘教授,2004年获全国五一劳动奖章,2012年入选广东省“南粤百杰”,2014年获“全国优秀科技工作者”称号,2017年当选中国科学院院士。主要从事植物育性发育的分子遗传和基因工程研究。在水稻细胞质雄性不育与恢复性、杂种不育与亲和性、光温敏不育性等遗传系统的基因克隆和分子作用机理方面取得了系统 性、创新性研究成果。发现植物细胞质雄性不育与育性恢复都是由线粒体基因与细胞核基因互作所控制,阐明了线粒体不育基因的起源进化和分子作用机制;揭示了复合座位多基因互作控制植物杂种不育性与亲和性的遗传机理,并创建了杂种亲和的新技术;开发了多项新生物技术,为作物杂交育种提供了理论指导和技术支撑。
报告人:种康 中国科学院院士
报告人简介: 种康,中国科学院院士。中国科学院植物研究所研究员,中国科学院大学教授。国家杰出青年获得者、国家自然科学基金“细胞分化与器官发生”创新群体首席科学家、“百人计划”入选者、“百千万人才工程”国家级人选。主持承担多项国家重大项目。重点以水稻、小麦和拟南芥为材料,研究植物应答环境低温,开花与春化作用以及器官发生的分子机理。迄今在Cell、Nature Communications、PNAS、Developmental Cell、EMBO J、The Plant Cell等国际主流学术期刊发表研究论文60余篇。多次获得中国科学院优秀教师奖励。已培养硕士和博士40余名和博士后5名,其中多名博士生获得“中国科学院优秀博士论文”奖励和中国科学院院长优秀奖。毕业生中有24名在国外从事博士后研究或工作,其中在美国和国内教授职位5名。
报告人:徐明良 教授
报告人简介: 徐明良,中国农业大学教授,国家玉米改良中心副主任,国家杰出青年基金获得者;新世纪百千万国家级人才工程,全国百篇优秀博士论文指导教师,科技部‘十三五’重点专项首席科学家。1996年获复旦大学博士学位,曾在德国Hohenheim大学和美国Illinois大学做博士后研究。受聘于SCI收录杂志《Theoretical and Applied Genetics》、《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》等编委,《作物学报》 副主编。完成和主持国家杰出青年基金、重大国际合作,科技部‘863’、‘973’计划,农业部转基因专项等多个国家级项目。在Nature Genetics、PNAS、Plant Cell等主流杂志发表SCI论文60多篇。主要从事玉米等作物的功能基因组学与分子生物学研究。
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